Monday, January 30, 2006


Now I'm a good girl, mostly; but the thought that governments might want to record what I search for on google et al is just plain terrifying!

I don't know if it's urban legend or not, but in my "scouting" days, I was told that there is a "blacklist" of books in public libraries, which are left as bait for prospective bombmakers etc etc. If you got out more than 2 of these books - so I was told - then you were automatically put on a list somewhere, trailed for a year or so and had your bank transactions monitored. Okay so the last bit *might* be an exagerration, but still...

Thing is, it *is* scary to be monitored - but it's also reassuring, and probably in a completely self-delusional way. I mean, ifI were really into bombs and stuff (and I'm not. Last bomb I made was an origami water bomb, when I was about 9. Now *that* was fun hehe), I'm fairly certain I'd buy all my books second hand, using an alias, and I sure as heck wouldn't use my personal internet connection *if* I went surfing. But, short of having James Bond types for every, I dunno, 100 in the population, I don't see what else the intelligence services are supposed to do. That's one James Bond *per* intelligence service, per 100. Which is probably about 80 James Bond types for every 20 Pussy Galores. Way-hey!

Oops, my brain just ran out of intelligent thought.


Blogger TeeBee said...

It occurs to me that more likely triggers are searches like "secret underground tunnels into the middle of the pentagon where I can pland tracking devices and take over the world!! *evil cackle"... and that being so, the most likely people to search for such things are not, I would have thought, evil masterminds, but journalists and aspiring authors.

Now, I've no immediate interest in writing espionage plots, but if I ever do, I sure as heck don't want MI5 or whomever knocking at my door.

Therefore I'm toying with either a) starting a campaign where *everyone in the entire world* has to search for underground tunnels, at least once a week, or b) running scared

10:34 am  
Blogger Kim Knox said...

*You're* running scared?

Writing Merlin's Price will probably get me arrested, LOL

8:17 pm  
Blogger TeeBee said...

vaguely related:

reporters sans frontiers

10:14 pm  

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