I haven't done any writing this week; but I have a nice bit of reading matter to review
...and speaking of reviews, I hereby nominate Autiotalo for Reviewer of the Year, even though we have yet to reach summer - if you've been paying any recent visits to www.enchantedramblings.net - and most importantly, the enchanted rambling's messageboard, you'll know why hehe
I had reason to love my funky review generator thingummy today, since the turnaround for creating the review pages (now under 10 minutes, even when I have to go and retreive the images from the publisher's site) is apparently so fast, people... (yes yes, auti again,but I didn't want this to sound like a rabid fan post hehe) are checking the review pages daily - how cool is that!
I'm toying with the idea of making it open source... but I need to think about how the rest of the gang would feel if another review site started doing really well, by using my creation... hmmm